Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Long Time No Say...

WOW - I could barely remember how to sign into this thing it has been so long since I have written. I was sitting here working this evening and I suddenly just decided I didn't want to finish what I'd started (perhaps this makes me a quitter) and decided to write instead.

My sister wrote me a letter on her blog on the 1st of May. I received a Facebook notice at work that I was tagged in a post and the tag led me to her blog, which was a lovely message to me about the "old days" when we used to keep up with each other through our blog posts and a recap of her life of late.

I had a strange reaction to the post - I think I cried big fat tears for a good 10 minutes. I don't cry big fat tears...I might have a moment of "choked-up" or "shiny eyes" or "distorted mouth" if it is a real doozy, but big fat tears rolling down my face and chin...nope. I was pretty surprised at the amount of gratitude I had for my sister that day and the realization or remembrance of the joy I got from both writing and reading the posts we wrote.

It really begs the question, "why don't I write anymore"? I'm not really sure, but I hope to pick it up again to see if I can recapture the desire to do something I quite liked to do in the past.

My sister is a very entertaining writer - mundane things and events always seem so entertaining when she writes about them. I like the way she sees her world as a sweet kind of funny; at least this is how I read it. I write more...formally (I guess is how I would describe it) not to be confused with 'correctly' or 'properly' and it just doesn't seem to read as "fun" as hers.

My life...well, if I say all I do is work right now, that would be a fairly accurate statement. I certainly do not want to come across as a martyr in this statement, because that is NOT how it is, but I would like to branch out a bit in the near future to do something besides work. Sometimes, when I have down time at home, I feel guilty and wonder what I should be is really kind of strange. I have to wonder if this is why I don't have much to write about...hmmm.

I will say that I have been determined to go on a BIG trip this year...why work so much if you can't enjoy your labors in some way away from everyday life? Trav and I have a friend that visits us every few months when he goes through town on work and he and I decided a trip to Italy would be FANTASTIC! So much history, such beautiful country, oceans, cities, etc. We decided we would all go to Italy in October. I even started thinking about buying the Rosetta Stone language trainer to see how much Italian I could learn between now and then.

Well, come to find out, Travis is SO NOT interested in checking out Italy...who doesn't want to check out Italy? I don't really understand and I am not sure if I want to bother with pushing for it. I know, however, that October will be here in a blink of the eye and I will be wondering why I didn't push for SOMETHING amazing.

Trav DID remind me that I have some rather lofty ambitions of late:

  • Remodel kitchen and main floor bath
  • Buy a new car
  • Go to Italy
  • Buy a hot tub
  • Expand the deck at the front of the house
I guess I should scale it back a bit, but, like my boss always says, "big things don't happen if you're only thinking small". 

I AM Grateful,

1 comment:

  1. Hello HB! Thanks for the post. I'm happy for it. ITALY!! Hey, turns out I am quite interested.....who's to say a sister trip would not be in order?? ;) You do have a lot of lofty goals for the future. All exciting. All majorly cool. Probably all expensive.....but dang it, like you said, you can't take it with you!! (you didn't actually say that, but what are you working for if not to use some of that hard earned money on things you'd love?)

    So mom and dad are here. It is great having them. Mom and dad are working through some colds they have, but other than that are doing well. I am 43 today, I got your birthday text :) I on the other hand feel like I am falling apart. I somehow injured my back in a recent workout I was teaching (my Birthday party workout on Wednesday) and since then I have pretty much been a cripple.....barley able to walk. I have been to the chiropractor twice, massage therapist (2 hours), an hour long melt class for relaxation and stretching.....if anything, it has gotten worse, I probably overdid my therapy cuz I was so desperate to be healed immediately. I am depressed. I am frustrated. I am sad. I am mad. I am bummed. I am pissed. I am angry. I am hurt. I am sore. I can't more. I have so much to do and cannot do any of it. I stretch and buy myself about 10 minutes of movement. Then I need to sit, which puts pressure on my lower back, which makes it REALLY stiff, so I can barely walk. Can you picture my dilemma? We leave at 7:00am to head off on our wonderfully long, romantic "adventure" for 7 days. This was going to be a very active vacation. sheesh. I'm good though. Hope you don't mind a little sister vent.

    Love you! This to shall pass, and as mom and dad ALWAYS SAY - "Life is a funny, funny Riddle". John Denver
